Scaffolding React Project using Bash scripting

Scaffolding React Project using Bash scripting

Automating React Project Setup with Tailwind CSS, Vite, pnpm, and Bash Scripting


3 min read

What is Bash scripting?

As developers, we often find ourselves performing repetitive tasks while setting up new projects. This can include creating directories, installing dependencies, configuring tools, and more.

Bash scripting, a powerful scripting language available in most Unix-like operating systems, allows us to automate these tasks and create scripts that perform them consistently and efficiently.

By utilizing Bash scripting in the project scaffolding process, we can automate the steps required to set up a React project with Tailwind CSS using Vite and pnpm. This eliminates the need for manual intervention, reduces human error, and significantly saves time.

Advantages of Bash Scripting

Remember to adapt the provided Bash script to your specific requirements and preferences. You can further enhance the script by adding additional steps or customizations based on your project's needs. Bash scripting empowers you to create reusable automation tools that streamline not only React projects but also various other development tasks.

By automating the project setup process using Bash scripting, developers can focus more on actual development tasks, iterate faster, and improve productivity.

Scaffolding React Project

I will walk through the steps to scaffold a React project with Tailwind CSS using Vite and pnpm. I will also provide an example Bash script that automates the process, making it easier for you to get started with your projects.

Make sure you have Node.js and pnpm installed on your system. If you don't have them installed yet, you can follow the official documentation to get them set up.

So, let's dive in and streamline our React development workflow!

  1. We need to create a sh file in the root directory with the following commands, for example I am creating
# Install Vite globally if not already installed
pnpm add -g create-vite

# Create a new Vite project with React template
pnpx create-vite@latest my-react-app --template react

# Change directory to the project
cd my-react-app

# Install Tailwind CSS and its dependencies
pnpm add tailwindcss@latest autoprefixer@latest

# Create Tailwind CSS configuration file
npx tailwindcss init -p
  1. Make the script executable by running the following command in the terminal:
chmod +x

By running chmod +x, we are granting the execute permission to the file, allowing it to be executed as a program or script.

chmod command is used to change the access mode of a file.The name is an abbreviation of change mode.

+ add permission

x execute permission


By running ./, we are executing the script that resides in the current directory. The script will be interpreted and executed according to the instructions and commands it contains.

Your project files will be created!


By combining the power of Vite, pnpm, and Tailwind CSS with the automation capabilities of Bash scripting, you can boost your productivity, iterate faster, and focus more on developing outstanding React applications. Embrace these tools and techniques in your workflow, and witness the efficiency and elegance they bring to your projects.

Thanks for reading! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I hope it helps you next time you create your React Project ๐Ÿš€
